Top Ten Church Library Needs

Top Ten Things A Church Library Needs

Though the need of every congregation differ, experts agree that most churches could benefit from having these materials in their library:

  1. Reference materials (books of CD-ROMs), concordances, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, atlases, different versions of the Bible.
  2. Books and videos about care-giving, coping with grief, dealing with elderly parents, family, marriage.
  3. Books with good Christian humor.
  4. Books for every age level, including good Christian fiction.
  5. Books for meditation, devotions, inspiration, prayer.
  6. Books that men will want to read, such as biographies, political commentaries, what to do when you lose a job or retire, and how to be a good father and husband.
  7. Biographies or histories of your church and denomination.
  8. For young children: toys, puzzles, heavy cardboard books, books with coordi nating tapes, and video tapes.
  9. Music and books on tape.
  10. Computers of access the internet and CD-ROMs and to catalog library resources.

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