He is Risen!WORD OF LIFE Evangelical Ministries exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "the Light of the world," to the un-churched, alienated Catholics, and other members of the Catholic and non-Catholic communities.This call to ministry comes from the mandate of Sacred Scripture and from Vatican Council II: "... this Council wishes to set forth more precisely to the faithful and to the entire world the nature and encompassing mission of the Church. The conditions of this age lends spiritual urgency to the Church's task of bringing all men to full union with Christ..." (LG 1).The mission of the Church to evangelize is the responsibility of the whole Church, cleric and lay - "For the Lord wishes to spread His kingdom by means of the laity also..." (LG 36). "Upon all the laity, therefore, rests the noble duty of working to extend the divine plan of salvation ever increasingly to all men of each epoch and in every land. Consequently, let every opportunity be given them so that, according to their abilities and the needs of the times, they may zealously participate in the saving work of the Church." (LG 33)."The laity can engage in their apostolic activity either as individuals or as members of various groups or associations.... There are many forms of the apostolate in which the laity build up the Church, sanctify the world, and give it life in Christ." (AA 15-16)."A particular form of the individual apostolate, as well as a sign especially suited to our times, is the testimony of a layman's entire life as it develops out of faith, hope, and charity. This form manifests Christ living in those who believe in Him. Then by the apostolate of the word, which is utterly necessary under certain circumstances, lay people announce Christ, explain and spread His teaching according to their situation and ability, and faithfully profess it." (AA 16)."Deserving of special honor and commendation in the Church are those lay people, single or married, who devote themselves and their professional skill either permanently or temporarily, to the service of associations and their activities." (AA 22).WORD OF LIFE Evangelical Ministries has been formed to support those who devote themselves to the proclamation of the Gospel.Contact Information